
Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) have been charged to ensure that the 2025 budget aligns with their mandates as authorities seek to deliver an acceptable budget.
The charge was given by Tanimu Yakubu, Director General of the Budget Office of the Federation as he opened a training session on preparing the 2025 Budget using the Government Integrated Financial Management Information System Budget Preparation Sub-System (GIFMIS/BPS) for all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) in Abuja.
The DG observed that the quality of national budget has been a longstanding concern, with stakeholders often questioning the relevance, execution, and effectiveness of our budgetary proposals. He therefore stated that the four days training offers a critical opportunity for all Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs) to reflect on their roles in the budget process.

“This is our moment to demonstrate to the Nigerian people our steadfast commitment to delivering a budget that genuinely meets their needs while upholding strict fiscal discipline.”
Mr Tanimu Yakubu urged all MDAs to stay true to their mandates as they prepare the 2025 budget, adding that executive budget proposals must be coherent and purpose-driven, embodying the government’s vision for security and development.
“You hold the vital responsibility of transforming government priorities into actionable programs and projects. I encourage you to meticulously review your submissions to ensure they align with our overarching goal: to safeguard the essential economic functions of producing, distributing, and consuming goods and services.”
“The administration of President Bola Ahmed is traversing significant fiscal challenges, intensified by the dual issues of insecurity and limited resources that hinder our efforts to reverse economic decline. Our economy is under immense pressure from various directions: a volatile global market, suppressed oil revenues, rising debt servicing costs, and threatened primary production processes.”
In light of these pressing challenges, the DG Budget said it is more critical for the participants to ensure that the budget is both focused and efficient. “We are faced with tough decisions, and the resources available to us must be strategically allocated. Our priorities must center on enhancing security to foster capital accumulation, meeting investor expectations without bias, and empowering our citizens through effective mobilization and efficient deployment of development resources.”
While calling for the alignment of sectoral policies and programs with the Renewed Hope Agenda, which serves as a foundational strategy for realizing the National Development Plan, the Director General of the Budget Office said the approach will ensure that our efforts are synchronized and that resources are effectively mobilized to repair, upgrade, and expand our infrastructure across the nation.
“The GIFMIS Budget Preparation Subsystem Training Session provides us with an invaluable opportunity to acquire the tools and knowledge necessary to enhance our budgetary processes. This technology-driven system is designed to improve efficiency, eliminate bottlenecks, and promote accountability. I encourage you all to actively participate in the training sessions, share your insights, and seize this opportunity to foster synergy among our collaborating MDAs. Let us harness the power of information technology to secure our economy, promote social justice, and strengthen the credibility of our democracy.”
“MDAs are enjoined to study the Budget Call Circular in detail and avoid making erroneous mistakes that should ordinarily be avoided if they had complied with the relevant sections of the Call Circular. To this end, emphasis will be made in one of the modules this year on key items and sections to note in the 2025 FGN Budget Call Circular. For the avoidance of doubt, we have the BOF Helpdesk running at full capacity currently to take care of all queries and questions that Budget Officers may have during the preparation of their respective budgets.”
The training is designed to equip participants drawn from the various MDAs with the tools and knowledge to effectively contribute to the budget preparation process.

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